Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Hariri by email: "I am elated... We're gonna get 6 helicopters and 1/2million rounds of amo..."

"... Russia will give military assistance to Lebanon, including six helicopters, 31 tanks and about 500,000 munitions for medium-sized weapons, the office of Prime Minister Saad Hariri said in an e-mailed statement today.
Russian President Dmitry Medvedev and Hariri discussed Lebanon’s sovereignty and territorial integrity at a meeting today at the presidential residence near Moscow, according to Sergei Prikhodko, the president’s foreign affairs adviser.
Medvedev said Lebanon should be allowed to resolve national issues without external interference, Prikhodko said in a faxed statement. The president also pledged support for a United Nations tribunal investigating the 2005 assassination of Hariri’s father Rafiq, saying transparent results will aide stability in the country, according to Prikhodko.
In February, Lebanese President Michel Suleiman went to Moscow to sign a series of military accords with Medvedev, the Daily Star newspaper reported at the time...."

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