Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Iranian official attends a Petraeus briefing on Afghanistan ...

"... The Iranian, Mohammed Ali Qanezadeh, a high-ranking diplomat, even attended an in-depth briefing Monday morning by the American military commander, Gen. David H. Petraeus, on NATO’s strategy for transition in Afghanistan. Iran, which shares a long and porous border with western Afghanistan, has deep political, cultural and economic ties there.
Iran may have been motivated to attend by the theme of the conference, which was transition — another term for so-called Afghanization, plans by NATO forces to hand over responsibility for security to the Afghans. The meeting was intended to prepare for transition talks at the NATO summit meeting in Lisbon next month.
Richard C. Holbrooke, the Obama administration’s special representative to Afghanistan and Pakistan, said the United States had been forewarned of the Iranian presence. “We were asked if we had any problems with that, and we said no,” Mr. Holbrooke said.
Mr. Holbrooke said that Iran had serious concerns about drug trafficking and immigration from Afghanistan and stressed that the representative was there only to discuss that country. He said other issues between the United States and Iran, including friction over Iran’s nuclear program, would not be on the table...."

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Interesting ! Slowly the taboo of US officials meeting Iranian officials is wearing down. Added to this the role Iran is playing in Iraq and it seems they are benefiting a lot.
