Monday, October 4, 2010

From Beirut: "People from across the sectarian divide, are fed up with the STL..."

Via email:
"Civilians are going about their everyday' business, no remarkable or noticeable changes in the movement of people. Army has increased its patrol deployments just slightly, from the Koreitem Area, through Hamra and AUB only. They can be seen moving in and out more these days from their outpost near the new Future TV, bordering Downtown. Standard HumVee patrolling during the daytime. SSNP flags are everywhere now in and around Hamra. At one point, most recently, there was plenty of Amal posters only on main Hamra street road, but most (not all) were replaced by SSNP

Most of the people I work with at ----- are fed up with the STL, and that I can say, across the sectarian divide. "Christian areas" of the city are normal (Ashrafieh etc.), not much, if any military presence.
For the span of 1 or 2 days, internet was shortly disabled in small parts of the city one at a time. People say, "possibly military corrective action". No heavy security deployments in downtown or around parliament."


LEBANESE said...

Excuuuuuuzzze Me?

SSNP flags are everywhere now in and around Hamra.

Ohh My God... we're back to the dark ages.

The last country needs influence from is Syria. So backward!

Anonymous said...

Actually lets re-read history, get back to reality, and remember Hamra always carried the strongest SSNP presence in Beirut.

Whats backward is the scale of recklesness, corruption, greed, disorder and pollution (of every kind) that you will find in a country like Lebanon...