Monday, August 16, 2010

Israel & Saudi Arabia "on the same page"...

"...Israel is not expected to oppose the deal, for a variety of reasons. The F-15s being sold to the Saudis will not be equipped with standoff systems – long-range missiles to be used against land and sea targets. Also, the US and Israel may clinch a deal for the sale of about 20 F-35 Joint Strike Fighter jets, which would help us maintain an uncontested military edge. In addition, US lawmakers can always hold up parts of the deal or seek assurances that Israel’s core military interests will be protected when all the details of the sale are presented to Congress next month. And if the US does not sell to the Gulf states, EU countries or even Russia, which are much less receptive to Israeli interests, might fill the vacuum.
....... today, the US, Israel and the Saudis are on the same page as far as Iran is concerned....
Nonetheless, while the mooted arms deal might reflect geopolitical changes in the area, it is no substitute for the determined action necessary to thwart an intransigent, saber-rattling Iran.
The question remains whether, if the current sanctions effort does not quickly bear fruit, America will take more concrete moves to stop Iran or ultimately remain passive. Iran’s nuclear ambitions are a challenge to this region – as the US evidently recognizes, and the latest arms packages underline – and to the free world. It should not have to fall to Israel to act alone on behalf of Saudi-US-Israeli interests."

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