Monday, July 12, 2010

Please, give me a Nobel ... Please ... I deserve it...

YNETnews/ here
".... Abbas has been using different mediators to convince the Norwegian Nobel Committee to grant him the prestigious award..... members of the Nobel Committee have been approached recently by Abbas' associates, including former Palestinian Prime Minister Ahmed Qurei.
..... his desire to be included in the prestigious list of Nobel Peace Prize recipients, Abbas has reportedly made some positive statements recently, including his willingness to let Israel keep the Western Wall and agree to a land exchange of about 4% of ...... (what remains of Palestine)..."


Anonymous said...

Maybe he just wants to be like Arafat... except that whole caring about his people thing.

At least he is certain to win the collaborator award for outstanding betrayal.

And of course the 1 million dollar prize would go nicely with the 700 million Fatah officials have stolen from the Palestinian Authority.

/grumbles cynically

LJansen said...

They should do it. He fits right in (Obama, Kissinger, Elie Wiesel)