The Atlantic/ here"... I just met with the son of a friend who serves in an elite Israeli army unit, one very much similiar to Flotilla 13, the Naval commando unit deployed so disastrously against the anti-Israel flotilla, and he explained the shame this way: "These soldiers are the best we have. We are Israel's deterrent. People in the Middle East need to think we are the best, and we are the best, except that when we're sent into situations without any intelligence, without any direction, with paintball guns instead of sufficient weapons, with no understanding of who we're fighting. Then we're going to have a disaster. These commandos were beaten with pipes! They came onto the deck (of the ship) one by one down a rope and they were beaten by a mob! Commandos! It's amazing that they didn't kill everyone on the ship, once they regrouped. Just amazing. The whole story is amazing."
Commandos getting beaten up by a group of hippies shows that they are not even competent, not to mention the best.
If Israel cannot even stop a few hundred peaceful protesters can you imagine how badly they would bungle an attack on Iran?
Time for some real soldiers to bring down this paper tiger.
Here if you wish to know more about the treatment of the subject in France. BTW, this is the leading radio talk-show...
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