Monday, April 26, 2010

"Obama’s top ten insults against Israel"

You have to excuse Gardiner who seems to be smoking something or better yet, shooting something while hanging from a tree... Telegraph/ here

"... a list of major insults by the Obama administration against America’s closest ally in the Middle East, Israel....

The Obama presidency is causing immense damage to America’s standing in the free world, while projecting an image of weakness in front of hostile regimes. Its treatment of both Israel and Britain...

1. Obama’s humiliation of Benjamin Netanyahu at the White House

In March, the Israeli Prime Minister was humiliated by Barack Obama when he visited Washington......

2. Engaging Iran when Tehran threatens a nuclear Holocaust against Israel

In contrast to its very public humiliation of close ally Israel, the Obama administration has gone out of its way to establish a better relationship with the genocidal regime of Mahmoud Ahmadinejad (run that by me again?), which continues to threaten Israel’s very existence.....

3. Drawing a parallel between Jewish suffering in the Holocaust with the current plight of the Palestinians

In his Cairo speech to the Muslim world, President Obama condemned Holocaust denial in the Middle East, but compared the murder of six million Jews during World War Two to the “occupation” of the Palestinian territories, in a disturbing example of moral equivalence:....

4. Obama’s attack on Israeli “occupation” in his speech to the United Nations

In his appalling speech to the UN General Assembly last September, President Obama dedicated five paragraphs to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, without once referring directly to Palestinian terrorism by name, but declaring to loud applause “America does not accept the legitimacy of continued Israeli settlements.” He also lambasted the Israeli “occupation”, and drew a connection between rocket attacks on Israeli civilians with living conditions in Gaza. The speech served as a ghastly PR exercise aimed at appeasing anti-Israel sentiment in the Middle East, while bashing the Israelis over the head.

5. Obama’s accusation that Israel is the cause of instability in the Middle East

6. The Obama administration’s establishment of diplomatic relations with Syria

7. Hillary Clinton’s 43-minute phone call berating Netanyahu

8. David Axelrod’s attack on Israeli settlements on “Meet the Press”

9. Hillary Clinton’s call on Israel to show “respect”

10. Robert Gibbs’ disparaging remarks about Israel...

1 comment:

theFool said...

I'm not sure how true each of these bullet points are. But If true, it's about time someone corrects the U.S.'s image in the world. Even Europeans are surprised by the U.S.'s passionate and unwarranted care for the State of Israel.