Saturday, April 24, 2010

"... McChrystal is a great killer but this war is above his head. He must be watched ..."

The facebook entry that got Michael Yon 'in trouble'...

"...The disembed from McChrytal's top staff (meaning from McChrystal himself) is a very bad sign. Sends chills that McChrystal himself thinks we are losing the war. McChrystal has a history of covering up. This causes concern that McChrystal might be misleading SecDef and President. Are they getting the facts?
... Life was good before I went to Iraq. But after three friends were killed during the GWOT, and my growing mistrust for the media and for the US Government/Military, I quit traveling the world and went to war. The United States was in peril. I am American. Today, I do not trust McChrystal anymore than some people trust the New York Times, Obama or Bush. If McChrystal could be trusted, I would go back to my better life. McChrystal is a great killer but this war is above his head. He must be watched...."
Soldiers at FOB Frontenac erected tepee to honor their fallen comrades. Secretary Gates went inside to pay respects.

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