Monday, March 1, 2010

Is the Pentagon turning down Israeli "special acquisition requests'?

Once again, the raucous boasting of the JERICHO III as being the weapon of choice, replacing the need to use the air force, turned out to be Israeli baloney!
Politico/ here
"..... Obviously, the U.S. is not the only actor that matters on the Iran strikes issue. I noted over the weekend that Israeli Defense Minister Ehud Barak, in a talk last week at the Washington Institute, projected frustration with the U.S. on Iran. Worth noting that Barak's expression of different perspectives between the U.S. and Israel on Iran came a day after Barak held meetings at the Pentagon with Defense Secretary Robert Gates and Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Adm.Mike Mullen.

Are certain Israeli military acquistion requests getting turned down by the Pentagon?


"Israel has been interested for some time in items that could hit varied targets," the Washington Institute's Patrick Clawson told POLITICO. "Hezbollah is burying a lot of stocks, and digging more tunnels. Israel needs things that will hit varied targets that are [also] useful for Iran. Israel is also interested in [items that enable] long-distance strikes" such as those Israel reportedly used to strike Hamas weapons convoys in Sudan last year. "They can quite credibly say the last time we used this was not against Iran" but for other operations, Clawson said. "It's not very surprising they would be continuing to press" for such items. Nor that the Pentagon might turn them down."

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