Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Thomas Jefferson is from LEBANON!

"That could have been Monticello?"
Datts right!
Thos. Jefferson, Member of the Founding Fathers' 'A-Team' .... author of the declaration of Independence ... purchaser of Louisiana ... sponsor of the Lewis & Clark expedition ...is, according to this, from Amchit! (Accidentally, hometown of another great president, Michel sleiman!)

"... Now, new techniques have been brought to bear on Jefferson's Y chromosome, in a study reported in the American Journal of Physical Anthropology. The presidential chromosome turns out to belong to a rare class called 'K2', which is found at its highest frequency in the Middle East and Eastern Africa, including Oman, Somalia and Iraq. Its closest match was in a man from Egypt. Could this mean that the President had recent ancestry in the Middle East? A careful survey revealed a few K2 chromosomes in France, Spain and England. Together, the K2s form a diverse group that may, in fact, have been in western Europe for many thousands of years.......

The ultimate origins of K2 chromosomes remain a mystery, however, and need further investigation: while they may have been present in Europe since the Stone Age, another possibility is that K2s came to Europe with the Phoenicians, an ancient maritime trading culture that spread out across the Mediterranean from their home in what is now Lebanon. The US media has taken up a different theory, leading to the New York Times headline, 'Jefferson -- the first Jewish president?': European K2 chromosomes may originate in Sephardic (Spanish) Jewish populations, who have their ultimate origins in the Middle East...."

see the resemblance?


Peter said...

No wait just a minute, that bald guy, is Ja Ja (or Ga Ga with an Egyptian accent).....right?

G, M, Z, or B said...

Yes ...
he was received at the WH .... A man who's got everyone's blood on his hand (except maybe yours and mine ...for now!)