Sunday, January 10, 2010

Obama "disappointed & misled"?

LR/ here
Said that the "White House is disappointed with the slow pace of the Afghan surge and wonders if top Pentagon officials misled them about how quickly they could surge forces to Afghanistan ... "
However, "Senior Defense Department spokesman Geoff Morrell writes, "There is no story here. .... this is a totally contrived controversy fabricated" by the NYTimes. "No one from the WH has expressed any displeasure or concern over the pace of the surge thus far to us. It has been a month since the President announced the surge and already two Marine battalions are on the ground and a SEABEE battalion is arriving as we speak. We are on pace to have 92 percent of the surge forces there by the end of August and the rest hopefully in place by the end of summer. Secretary Gates is well aware that the President has ordered an expedited Surge rather than a protacted deployment and in light of that the Secretary has directed the department to move heaven and earth to make it happen on the President's prescribed timelines, but this is a logistical challenge the likes of which we have hardly ever faced before so it is going to be very difficult. That said, we are doing everything we possibly can to get all these troops to Afghanistan by summer's end because we all wish to reverse the Taliban's momentum and win this conflict as soon as possible."

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