Saturday, January 2, 2010

Egyptian minister: "Al-Jazeera's an Israeli tool.... & instigating civil war"

YNEtnews/ here
Egypt's minister of legal affairs and parliamentary councils, Mofid Shehab, criticized Al-Jazeera Saturday for instigating "a Qatari civil war" with its reports on a steel barrier being built on the border with Gaza.
"A number of Arab satellite stations, and this one especially, have placed themselves as responsible for the sovereignty of our country, and as usual have poisoned the public against the state," Shehab said in an interview with the state-owned Al-Ahram.
He said television networks were working against the Egyptian government "in order to engender a civil war and inflame the Egyptian and Arab streets, and cause a clash of official authorities".
Shehab also compared the stations' broadcasts with reports that emerged during Operation Cast Lead. "They have launched a war against the Egyptians just as they did during the barbaric attack on Gaza a year ago," he said.......
"This civil war network is first and foremost an Israeli tool," he said. "It transferred reports on the Egyptian construction on the border from the news agencies in Israel and has begun to weave its usual plot...."

1 comment:

falastiniyya min dafaa said...

Is it terrible to hope for an Iranian missile to accidentally fall on Mubarak?