Saturday, December 5, 2009

US Congress wants 'results': The Lebanese Army must move against Hezbollah ...

"Members of US House of Representatives send letter to Secretary of State warning Islamic Republic may try to distract world from its nuclear program by instructing Hezbollah to launch conflict with Israel (tsk tsk) dozens of members of the US House of Representatives wrote in a letter addressed to US Secretary of State Hilary Clinton on Friday.

The letter was sent ahead of Lebanese President Michel Suleiman's upcoming visit to the White House, scheduled for December 14, and following the coalition agreement in the Lebanese government allowing Hezbollah to hold on to its arms.

Meanwhile, Saad Hariri on Friday announced that he plans to hold his first visit to Syria since the death of his father Rafiq Hariri in 2005.....

The letter was singed by Reps. Mark Kirk and Steve Israel. The two are members of the House of Representative's Committee on Appropriations and their appeal has special significance due to the financial aid the United States grants Lebanon and the fact that Hezbollah, which is on the American terrorist list, has become a part of the Lebanese government....

The signatories note that the US government has allocated $200 million in aid to UNIFIL forces in 2010, and an additional $100 million in military aid to the Lebanese government.

Following the granting of financial aid in such great dimensions, the letter read, the American taxpayer has the right to see results. The United States is compelled to us its resources to take action against possible escalation along the Israel-Lebanon border, it said.....

It continued to say the US must seek to support stronger multilateral efforts to disarm Hezbollah and clear southern Lebanon of Iranian weapons."

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