Thursday, December 10, 2009

Lots of pressure from pro-Israel groups to get this through pronto

LR at Politico encapsulates the Iran sanctions drama on the Hill, here

"Word on the Hill is there is a big push to pass Dodd's Iran sanctions bill by unanimous consent in the Senate (and a similar effort underway in the House). ... State is supposed to send over a letter saying "please wait," but letter said to be slowed up for some reason -- not clear if because of ordinary bureaucratic stuff or inter-agency squabbling. NSC has been completely silent, we're told. Lots of pressure from pro-Israel groups to get this through pronto.

UPDATE: No movement in the Senate in the end today .... that could mean they got either a formal or informal objection from some Senate office. So for now, nothing, it's just sitting there.

Also heard that State did ask Senate to hold off.

More: From yesteday. The initial hotline request came on Monday night, initiated, it seems, by Sen. Jon Kyl (R-AZ)... The Dems "hotlined" it Tuesday around noon. As of this afternoon it seems to be stuck, possibly because of Administration intervention though not confirmed ...

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