" ... Separately, US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton has said that the United States is open to the prospect of Afghan government’s talks with elements of the Taliban, but she advised Kabul officials to proceed cautiously....
‘I have talked to the Saudis. I’ve been to Riyadh. I talked to King Abdullah about it myself. We would be supportive of anything that the kingdom chose to do in this regard,’ he added, while explaining how the United States viewed the Saudi-sponsored talks.... Meanwhile, Saudi newspaper Al Watan reported on Tuesday that the US Ambassador to Afghanistan, Gen Karl Eikenberry, held talks with the former Taliban Minister of Foreign Affairs, Mulla Mutawakil, in Kabul....
The US ambassador offered to recognise the Taliban rule in several provinces, including Kandahar, Helmand, Arzakan, Kunar, and Nuristan.... Mulla Mutawakil is now expected to convey the US initiative to Taliban leader Mulla Omar..."
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