Sunday, November 15, 2009

"rudderless, adrift & divided" Iranian 'reformers' ...

So says the WaPo ... L'Ordre Du Jour (previously, here and here) appears to have trickled down from the editorial boards to the reporters: "Nothing short of a foreign directed regime change would do!" ... WaPo, here

"... "I don't want to save the Islamic republic," said Reza, a 28-year-old engineer. "I want a total change, something close to a revolution." .... "They will not change," said Mohammad, a computer specialist who was fired from his job for supporting the demonstrations. "We have no other option than removing them from power." He added, "But I really don't know how we should do that." (The WaPo & their chicken hawkish friends will tell you how, ya Mohamad!) ......Some protesters warn against fueling those suspicions, fearing that radical actions could backfire. "We should take this step by step," said Ali, 29, an architect who recently married. "If we become extreme, we will alienate many of our supporters."

"We are united against the government, but we have different thoughts on how far we should go," said Mehdi, a blogger who attended the Nov. 4 demonstrations. "Tearing down pictures of the leader goes too far in this society; the Islamic system has many good points. . . . Our opponents hope that we act extreme so that they can label us as anti-revolution."...'

...... the lack of leadership and clear goals, combined with the ambiguous position of the defeated candidates in the political system they now attack and the impossibility of resolving policy disputes through public debate, have made the opposition's next moves highly unpredictable...."

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