Monday, November 23, 2009

Feds arrest Lebanese 'businesman' after paying US$20,000 for an anti-F16' missile ...

Tsk Tsk Tsk ... Now, if this isn't the way to buy anti-F16' missile systems ...
"....Dani Nemr Tarraf, who has residences in Lebanon and Slovakia, wanted weapons to "take down an F-16."
The affidavit says Tarraf paid a $20,000 deposit for the missiles and machine guns and traveled Friday to Philadelphia to inspect them.
Investigators say Tarraf and another man were involved in a plot that began with transporting stolen cell phones, laptops and gaming systems and escalated when Tarraf began trying to transport weapons too..."

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Only to down an f-16? Seems sort of particular, and by that I mean crazy.