Saturday, October 3, 2009

Netanyahu says Russians,with Kremlin's approval assist Tehran with bomb...

In the London Times/ here

"... Netanyahu, has handed the Kremlin a list of Russian scientists believed by the Israelis to be helping Iran to develop a nuclear warhead. He is said to have delivered the list during a mysterious visit to Moscow...

“We have heard that Netanyahu came with a list and concrete evidence (yeah, CONCRETE) showing that Russians are helping the Iranians to develop a bomb,” said a source close to the Russian defence minister last week. “That is why it was kept secret. The point is not to embarrass Moscow, rather to spur it into action.”

In western capitals the latest claims were treated with caution. American and British officials argued that the involvement of freelance Russian scientists belonged to the past. American officials said concern about Russian experts acting without official approval, had been raised by the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) in a report more than a year ago.... Israeli officials insist that any Russian scientists working in Iran could do so only with official approval....

Ephraim Sneh, a former Israeli deputy defence minister, warned that time was running out for action to stop the programme. “If no crippling sanctions are introduced by Christmas, Israel will strike,” he said. “If we are left alone, we will act alone.”

The Americans believe secret work to develop a nuclear warhead stopped in 2003...."

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