Thursday, September 3, 2009

"Not everything in Mr. Karzai's government is rotten"

WaPo on the warpath! Here
" ... Yet if Mr. Obama provides adequate military and civilian resources, there's a reasonable chance the counterinsurgency approach will yield something better than stalemate, as it did in Iraq. The Taliban insurgency is not comparable to those that earlier fought the Soviets and the British in Afghanistan. Surveys show that support for its rule is tiny, even in its southern base. Not everything in Mr. Karzai's government is rotten: U.S. officials have reliable allies in some key ministries and provincial governorships, and the training of the Afghan army -- accelerated only recently -- is going relatively well. Stabilizing the country will require many years of patient effort and the pain of continued American casualties...."

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Damn for a second there I thought Iraq was going pretty shit good thing the Washington Post is on had

Will yield something better than stalemate, as it did in Iraq

What? How is it that Americans have got something better than a stalemate in Iraq. The main winner in Iraq is Iran. America hasn't gotten anything it wanted in Iraq only thousands of dead soldiers.
