Wednesday, August 26, 2009

US official: "... Iran facing difficulty in acquiring uranium yellowcake ..."

In the WSJ, here
"... Washington and other Western powers are pressing Mohamed ElBaradei, director-general of the U.N.'s International Atomic Energy Agency, to include in the report a detailed summary of Tehran's alleged efforts to weaponize its nuclear technologies, said these diplomats....
U.S. and other Western officials view the information as potentially crucial to the Obama administration ..... however, they remain doubtful Mr. ElBaradei will include the summary Western countries want ......
The Iranian government has been sending mixed signals in recent weeks on its willingness to engage on the nuclear issue. Still, U.S. and European diplomats said Tehran has repeatedly made conciliatory noises only to accelerate its production of nuclear fuel. "We've offered unconditional talks to the Iranians and they're still not at the table," said the U.S. official. "We shouldn't read too much into Tehran's signaling at this stage."

...Some diplomats tracking the IAEA said they aren't certain the new report will detail significant advances. Some said they expect the report could indicate a slowing of fuel production due to technical glitches. "

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

ElBaradei does not need to tow any line at this stage in his career he finishes his term as director in November and will probably retire since he is almost 70 now.

Again he is obviously distrustful of the Americans and would be concerned about them using his office to attack Iran. He said as much a few years ago to European diplomats.

But fair credit to him he was a good director of the IAEA during some really rough times. Yet he spoke out over the Iraq War in 2002 and probably came closer than anyone else to stopping it.

He has also done a good job with Iran. Even if he has enraged the Americans more than a few times.
