Sunday, August 16, 2009

Rabid Bin-Ladenite: "... Nasrallah is exaggerating when he speaks of victory over Israel..."

JPOST, here

"Lebanese Al Qaeda affiliated Sunni Mufti of Mt. Lebanon Sheikh Muhammad Al-Jozo slammed Hizbullah Sunday and warned of a "new tragedy" the terror group was dragging Lebanon into............. that Hizbullah leader Sheikh Hassan Nasrallah was exaggerating when he spoke of victory over Israel in the Second Lebanon War............Lebanon paid, and was continuing to pay, a heavy price since the war."


Anonymous said...

More and more I'm thinking Al Qaeda are finished, if they even really existed as a coherent organisation in the first place.

It seems that the US and Israeli's just keep em around and fund groups like Jundallah in order to demonise the entire Muslim world.

Anonymous said...

Did they just change the article on the Jpost website or did you make up the quote ?

I was surprised by the wording ("Al Qaida affiliated...") so I checked and it's no longer there.