Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Netanyahu sidesteping some of his allies in cooking up a 'deal' with Obama?

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Steve Clemons at
TWN, here

"Israel Deputy Foreign Minister Danny Ayalon sent this note out on Twitter earlier today:

".... Hopes the rumored settlement freeze is just a rumor, because it hasn't gone through appropriate forums...."

This is the best news I've heard in a while. Ayalon's plea may mean that Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu may be using his skills as a crafty political executive to sidestep some of his more bureaucratic and recalcitrant allies in cooking up a deal with George Mitchell and Barack Obama on settlements.

There are -- as Ayalon indicates -- lots of rumors bubbling out of the region that George Mitchell's team will soon announce a plan to launch negotiations toward a two state solution with a number of key confidence building measures tucked into the first phase.

If Ayalon is in the dark -- which he may be faking -- this is pretty good news as it means Netanyahu doesn't want a bunch of different opinionated Israeli chefs in his kitchen...."

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