Friday, August 14, 2009

Abbas increases power & Dahlan "reborn"...?

WINEP, here

"... Although it is too early to evaluate all the organizational implications of the congress -- largely since the reaction of those defeated in the elections is still unknown and because Gazans received only three of the six representatives they initially requested -- indications suggest that Abbas has increased his power, Barghouthi's camp has lost influence, Dahlan is reborn, and the party's leadership has witnessed a generational shift.

Dahlan's resurrection. ........ allegations drew a storm of responses from FCC members: Ahmed Qurei (Abu Ala) replied, "Dahlan and his group destroyed Fatah in Gaza and should be prevented from committing the same crime in the West Bank." Abbas reportedly pushed congressmembers not to elect Dahlan, saying, "He will take Fatah to where he wants, not to where Fatah wants." Dahlan survived the attacks and ranked tenth in the election. His role in Fatah's affairs undoubtedly will increase as a result of this strong electoral showing........"


Anonymous said...

More signs of Fatah losing influence in general. Barghouthi is by far the most popular Fatah member amoung the younger generation. Really suprising result there.

And Yes Dahlan's influence increasing is bad news for everyone. Don't know a single person other than Dahlan who has managed to become so hated amoung Hamas supporters, Fatah supporters and Israeli's just the kind of guy who pisses everyone off really :S

Anonymous said...

Kind off interesting how WINEP think of Dahlan coming tenth being a strong showing while Hezbollah winning the popular vote and maybe eventually being part of the winning majority in Lebanon is a sign of weakness. BTW, is mini-Hariri back from Eurodisney yet?

Finally, I thought winning was the "American Way" so why are they backing such a loser?