Friday, June 19, 2009

Bringing Back The Syrian Track?

Via the PULSE, here

"...Shimon Shiffer reports in Yediot Acharonoth:

In messages relayed in the last few days to Ankara by figures close to Netanyahu it was said: "Israel is willing to renew the talks with the Syrians." However, it was made clear that the Netanyahu government would not withdraw from the Golan Heights and would not reply in the affirmative to the Syrian demand to begin the talks from the point they were left off by the Olmert government.

Basically, the proposal being made by Netanyahu and his advisers is that it is better to discuss with the Syrians various issues important to both countries and not begin drawing up a map of an Israeli withdrawal. The Syrians will have to internalize that the current government will not agree to discuss the Syrians' "all or nothing" parameter.

Netanyahu's position is in contrast to the conception expressed by the security establishment leaders. They say that Israel should try and reach an agreement with the Syrians and to pay the full price of a withdrawal from the Golan Heights, and in return, Syria will sever its strategic connections with Iran and stop threatening Israel with surface-to-air missiles. A top adviser to Netanyahu completely rules out this assumption and says that the Syrians will not relinquish their special relationship with Iran.

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