Lebanon-now, here
"...But now, we are treated to the biggest joke of all: Hezbollah, in the wake of his release, officially feted Sayyed as a hero and the victim of a perversion of justice, while signals from the party’s grass-roots supporters – signals that experience tells us are not normally emitted without official sanction – suggest that the former security chief is the popular choice for the Interior Ministry portfolio. ....
Is an aging former security chief who spent four years behind bars, suspected of being involved in the murder of former Prime Minister Rafik Hariri and 22 others on February 14, 2005, really the best ambassador for a Lebanon that both political camps claim they want to modernize and change for the better? ...
The chances of Sayyed making it into the government are slim, and the suggestion is probably nothing more than inflammatory chaff. But it is one more clue to understanding the mentality of an opposition bloc that, if given the chance, will probably return Lebanon to a country that, instead of seeking to finally throw off the shackles of parochial self interest, will be re-adorned with the trimmings of repression..." (Instead, the hapless Lebanese should opt for the stewardship of the Cedarites, men and women of creed and democratic heritage the likes of 'murderer' geagea', Saudi Hariri and Jeffersonian Jumblatt and the plethora of little minions and allies...)
1 comment:
Nice article! I like the last part most :)
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