Saturday, May 9, 2009

George Mitchell's upcoming Middle East visit to include Syria?

 Al Hayat/English, here

"...One of the most pressing issues today is the role of Syria in Lebanon, and the repeated calls from the Obama administration and Feltman himself to the Syrian leadership to avoid any meddling in the Lebanese affairs ....

A success of US efforts and Feltman's visit in leading up to safe and democratic Lebanese elections might be a "turning point" in Syrian-US relations according to Yacoubian. The expert who previously worked as an analyst at the State Department Bureau of Intelligence and Research (1990-1997), expects a "major milestone" for the US-Syria relations following the Lebanese parliamentary elections, only though if they "go of well without any meddling" from Damascus.

The milestone as Yacoubian points out could come in the shape of returning the US ambassador to Damascus after having been recalled in February 2005 and following the assassination of former Lebanese Prime Minister Rafiq Hariri. Another signal of Washington openness on Syria might be by including Damascus as one stop on Middle East envoy George Mitchell future itineraries. US officials confirm that Mitchell will visit "at one point" Lebanon and Syria, and they reiterate the administration's determination to seek "comprehensive peace between Israel and its neighbors"...."

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