Tuesday, April 21, 2009

WINEP: "Can the al-Asad Regime Make Peace with Israel?"

Israel, throttling the same old tired & idiotic alibis to death! Palestinian political disarray, Alawites minority, even Hama (?) ...etc. BUT, Israel's commitment to peace remains as strong as ever: From leveling Lebanon in 2006', to the continuous massacres of Palestinians, to the daily threats against Iran, and that in the last 3 years only ... all, I guess, for maintaining a minority regime in a racist state ... 
WINEP, here
".....peace with Syria remains highly unlikely for a fundamental reason: without Israel as an enemy, Syria's minority regime loses its sole rationale for retaining power.........

Since the threat from Israel has been the essential and necessary myth for retaining the authoritarian grip of the Alawite minority in Damascus, losing it would eliminate the al-Asad regime's raison d'etre. For this reason, in any successful U.S.-brokered negotiation with Israel, Damascus would likely require guarantees from the United States to ease its pressure on the regime and perhaps give the nod to Syria's reasserted control over Lebanon. Doing so, however, would be highly problematic in Washington and would send the worst possible message to those in the region, especially the Lebanese who are struggling to free themselves from their own autocrats. Sacrificing human rights in pursuit of a possible peace deal may seem an acceptable trade-off to some, but given the ruling clique's view that peace and regime preservation are zero-sum options, to seek a peace agreement is to chase a mirage."

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