Sunday, April 5, 2009

American presidents do not bow to foreign leaders, ESPECIALLY kings

"American etiquette expert Gloria Starr, who has met the King's wife and hosted two of their daughters in her finishing schools, told there was nothing wrong with Mr Obama's display of deference. "I think it was a sign of respect and in no way diminishes the ranking of the President or indicates the greater strength of the one being bowed to," Ms Starr said. "I bowed, wore the attire, ate the figs as a sign of respect when I was in Saudi."I applaud the President for showing this courtesy."" Brisbane Times

"American presidents do not bow to foreign leaders, ESPECIALLY kings. If Ms Starr chose to bow to King Abdullah, that is her business. She is not president of the United States. If I choose to
bow to the pope, that is my business. I would expect the president of the United States NOT to bow to the pope.

When the president bows to a foreign ruler he bows for all Americans. The United States is the world's foremost republic. It is utterly inappropriate for our head of state to make a gesture of submission to any kind of foreign ruler.

The Saudi king is an absolute monarch. Saudi Arabia has no constitution but the Shariah. Saudis are not citizens. They are subjects. The king's subjects bow to him in his presence in much the same way that President Obama did. Arabs are particularly sensitive to social symbolism. When the Saudi ambassador, Prince Bandar bin Sultan bin Abd al-Aziz was photographed sitting on the arm of a chair looking down on George W. Bush, the whisper went around the Arab World that Bush, in allowing this to happen, was acknowledging his true relationship to the Saudis.

If this maladroit gesture was advised by Gloria Starr, she should be replaced as a symbolic rejection of the poor advice she gave the president. .."


Ann said...

It is absolutely true that during a foreign visit, whatever the US President does, he does on behalf of all Americans. But Gloria Starr's comments are a sad example of how far Americans are willing to stretch their "tolerance" for Obama's clear lack of respect for the rules of foreign protocol. Here at home we constantly hear liberal and leftist Americans telling us we need to "give Obama a chance". How many "chances" does he need to demonstrate how badly prepared he is-- on a daily basis-- to be president?

Fred said...

President George W. Bush KISSED Saudi Arabian Prince Abdullah on the LIPS, then proceeded to hold the monarch's hand while they toured the Crawford ranch. Where was the outrage from the right-wing?

Anonymous said... that Dear Leader has bowed to the Emperor of Japan, what say the voices of tolerance and understanding? The American people fought a revolution and changed the world in large part to resist the deference paid to Kings and Emperors. BHO has no appreciation of that fact. I believe he is the most un-American leader we have ever had, which explains his appeal abroad. He may become our version of Gorbachev; adored in Europe and reviled at home. Stay tuned. Camillus