Jumblatt interviewed by Reuters, here
"It's a good thing that Saudi Arabia and Syria are now exchanging visits and it could also reflect on tension between communities inside Lebanon. It will ease the issues in Lebanon," Jumblatt said...Saad al-Hariri, have described the election as of historic importance to Lebanon ....The Doha agreement led to the election of a new president and the formation of a national unity government in which Hezbollah and its allies hold veto power.Hezbollah leader Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah, whose group has strong Iranian backing, has already called for the formation of another national unity government post-election.
But Hariri has said he would not share power with pro-Syria factions if they win the vote...... Jumblatt, who has been one of the toughest critics of Syria's role, said: "Of course winning would be a moral boost for us, a political boost, but it's not the end of the world, if we lose."
The election was important, he said. "But I don't understand why it should be historic. It's a very important, very crucial moment, okay, but why should we be afraid to talk to the others, to fix up a compromise with the others?" he said.Jumblatt said he was not alarmed by overtures from the United States towards Syria. Washington has also been an important supporter of March 14 and U.S. pressure was vital in convincing Syria to withdraw troops from Lebanon in 2005...."
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