Monday, February 16, 2009

"A rightist coalition will be on collision course with US from day one..."

(In other words, Israel has a knack of plunging into a barrel of caca, hoping the US runs to its rescue with a plunger!) Akiva Eldar, in Haaretz, here
"...All three of them understand that a right to extreme-right coalition will be headed on a collision course with the great power from day one. They fear that a Likud-Yisrael Beiteinu-Jewish Home-National Union-Shas coalition will condemn Israel to isolation. But if Netanyahu/Livni try to dismantle even a windowsill of one mobile home in one outpost, as was promised a number of times to the United States, Avigdor Lieberman and Eli Yishai will dismantle the government.
Peres will sleep better with Netanyahu as prime minister than with Livni, whom he used to call "the high school girl" sleeping next to the red telephone. He already gave her the go-ahead to form a government once and she came back empty-handed. He views the round of consultations with faction leaders as a waste of time; in any case almost everyone will keep talking and lying to everyone else until the last minute..."

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