Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Iran's 'launch': "...a significant advance beyond the improved Scud technology..."

ArmsControlWs ponder the question with the help of scientists and seem to have ruled out the 2 stages Safir a bit too early. Finally, and in an attempt to heel those happy-triggers who want nothing more than connect the Iranian research program to the ....Chinese?, a precautionary note reads "This analysis is not intended to suggest that China has assisted Iran with its development program or transferred technology to Iran, since this kind of technology has been around for decades. The analysis uses Chinese launchers as a concrete example of what booster parameters have been achieved"Read more, at ACW, here
"...For those of you not following the debate in the comments, using a two-stage rocket to place even a small satellite in orbit would signal a significant advance beyond the improved Scud technology embodied in the North Korean Nodong/Taepodong families.David Wright, Co-Director of the Security Program at the Union of Concerned Scientists, sends along a preliminary existence proof that suggests a two-stage missile based on N2O4/UDMH fuel (similar to China’s mid-1970s ballistic missiles) would be sufficient to place a small satellite in orbit with only two stages..."

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