Wednesday, November 19, 2008

"SOFA .. ‘A Great Accomplishment For us’ Because It’s ‘Opposed By Iran’"

"...SOFA Means U.S. Can ‘Celebrate The Victory’ In Iraq"
"...PERINO: This is a mutually agreed to agreement. And that’s what one of the things that is different about an arbitrary date for withdrawal when you say you’re going to leave win or lose. We believe that the conditions are such now that we are able to celebrate the victory that we’ve had so far and establish…a strategic framework agreement..."
Uhuh ... You gotta love the logic of the "Neo-clowns"....In ThinkProgress, here

"...KAGAN: Well, actually, it’s opposed by Iran, not just Iranian-affiliated groups. The Iranian leadership has been pulling out all the stops to get the Iraqis not to do this. The Iranians are desperate for Iraq not to align itself strategically with the United States, and they have been literally trying to bribe everybody they can bribe in Iraq, and running a fantastic information operations campaign in Iraq to make this an unpopular and hard thing to do. And the Iraqi government has done it anyway. And that is actually a great accomplishment for us, and it tells us a lot about where this Shia Iraqi government actually stands on whether it wants to be aligned with the United States, or whether it wants to be aligned with Iran..."

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

If this is not a perfect example of denial of defeat, then what is it? To claim 'victory' because Iran opposed it in the first place without commenting on the final version that suits perfectly Iran is not only preposterous but shows to what lengths the 'neo-clowns' are willing to twist facts to suit their own purposes. Bush and his team of clowns destroyed a whole country but will get out of it totally discredited and with no capital of goodwill to write home about. The disastrous Iraqi policy of the Bush Administration will go down in history as a political Waterloo for the apprentice Napoleon.
Good riddance though millions of Iraqis have died as well as young American servicemen and woment for the folly of a megalomaniac and the frenzy of zionist neocons who at no moment had at heart the interests of the American and Iraqi people, but their own agrandizement.