Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Two US Journalists missing in Lebanon

(DPA) Two freelance journalists from the United States are believed to have gone missing on the road between northern Lebanon and Aleppo in Syria, Lebanese media reported Wednesday. Taylor Luck, 23, and Halli Camella Shmela, 27, (NYTImes' Holli Shmela?According to "Madame Says"))who were apparently working for the Jordan Times, last contacted their families on October 1, saying they planned to take a taxi from Tripoli to Aleppo, the Lebanese daily al-Akhbar said.
According to Lebanese security sources, the two had set out from their hotel in Beirut on September 30 for an unknown destination.
The sources said Luck had last used his credit card in Beirut on October 1.
The US embassy in Beirut was notified and was coordinating with Lebanese authorities, Lebanese officials told Deutsche Presse-Agentur


Anonymous said...

Is that a real name: Camella Shmela? I find no google hits for this person. Taylor Luck does seem to be working for the Jordan Times.

I sincerely hope they show up soon and have just been pallin' around in Aleppo.

Anonymous said...

Also the girl's name is misspelled in all the reports: Its Holli Chmela and she works for the NY Times.

Anonymous said...

Well being an Israeli -tho working for a US paper- in a place like Lebanon is not too smart. Chmela should not have been there to begin with. there have been many cases of Israelis doing just this kind of thing, then returning to Israel with the intel they have gathered.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous-- how do you know Chmela is Israeli? I doubt that.