Saturday, October 11, 2008

Hezbollah: Lebanon’s Power Broker

Rabil in JISA, here, via SyriaComment
"...There can be little doubt that Hezbollah scored a crucial political victory. But a closer look at the dynamics of these cataclysmic events suggests that this victory is ephemeral and could signal two momentous results: the beginning of the end of Hezbollah as a model “resistance” movement in the Muslim world, and the end of Lebanon as a confessional nation-state. None of this has stopped Hezbollah from thinking big, however. In the aftermath of its creeping coup, the Shi’ite militia has articulated a new, regional vision for its “resistance.” Thus Hassan Nasrallah, in a speech after the signing of the Doha agreement, emphasized the importance of resistance in “methodology, culture, will and action,” downplayed the possibility of an American strike on Iran or an Israeli offensive against Syria,
outlined a new strategy for liberating Shebaa Farms, exhorted the forthcoming government in Lebanon to “reconcile the project of reconstructing and building the state with the project of resistance…,” and reaffirmed his pride in being a member of Iran’s Velayat-e faqih.

The message was clear: Hezbollah’s model of military confrontation had proven successful, and the organization was now focused on the transformation of the Lebanese state...."

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I don't know who is Rabil but his analysis is again a perfect example of wishful thinking. It seems that there is a mindset determined not to understand what is going on. There is a huge confusion in concepts. For instance, the 'confessional nation-state' is an oxymporon. A confessional state cannot be national. The concept of Lebanese nationalism is still at best at its embryonic stage. Lebanon is a confederation of sects mascarading as a state. Power sharing is the issue and not state building.
As to the 'ephemeral' victory of Hezbollah, the Rabils of this world cannot resign themselves to accept that there are forces in the Arab world that will never accept the moral aberration committed by Israel against the Palestinians. Today, there is Hezbollah, tomorrow someone else will come. No settlement will take place until the full rights of the Palestinians are restored and the return of all Palestinians who wish so to their homeland.
Nasrallah is proving to be the wisest statesman in the Arab world. The importance of resistance in 'methodology, culture, will and action' is what will achieve the strategic role of retoring Palestinina rights and reducing Israel to an entity that cannot survive on its own.