Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Le parrainage actif du Qatar derrière le rapprochement avec Damas

'Some' would say that the relationship between Sarkozy and notably, HBJ (and HBK to a certain extent, as the story suggests) resembles that between Chirac & Hariri: Hamad Bin Jassem seems to be Sarkozy's 'confident' and primary source of information on 'Gulf affairs & rulers' .... Le Monde, here
"....Une relation étroite semble avoir été nouée entre Nicolas Sarkozy et l'émir du Qatar, premier dirigeant arabe reçu à l'Elysée après l'élection de mai 2007. Il fut plus tard l'invité d'honneur du défilé du 14 juillet 2007 à Paris. Il a ensuite aidé à obtenir la libération des infirmières bulgares détenues en Libye, au terme d'une "médiation" qui a porté sur le volet financier du règlement. Puis le Qatar a pris, de fait, le relais de la France, en 2008, en tant que médiateur dans les affaires interlibanaises, parvenant le 21 mai à l'accord de Doha..."

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

A close relationship appears to have been forged between Nicolas Sarkozy and the Emir of Qatar, the first Arab leader received at the Elysee after the election of May 2007. He was later the guest of honour at the parade of 14 July 2007 in Paris. He then helped win the release of Bulgarian nurses held in Libya, after a "mediation" which focused on the financial aspects of the settlement. Then Qatar had made, in fact, the relay of France in 2008, as a mediator in cases interlibanaises, arriving May 21 in Doha agreement
