Monday, June 9, 2008

Liz Cheney: critical of Israel's "inability, unwillingness to do what was necessary . .to fundamentally deal a blow to Hezbollah"

In the WaPo, here
"...Cheney offered critiques in a number of key areas. One was the decision, which went all the way up to President Bush, to push Israel to allow elections in the Palestinian territories, which ultimately led to Hamas taking power in Gaza. "The United States was fundamentally mistaken to push for those Palestinian elections in Gaza," Cheney said, drawing applause. "I think that at the time there wasn't anybody that I spoke to in the Palestinian government . . . or the Israeli government who thought those elections were a good idea."
......"I think that getting back to a situation where our enemies in the region understand that America will stand up for its friends, .."When those red lines aren't there, when our enemies like Iran and Syria begin to believe that they can act with impunity, you see situations like you have got in Lebanon today -- where Hezbollah now has a veto over that government, where Hezbollah will be able, I fear, to significantly continue its efforts to rearm in southern Lebanon, continue to threaten Israel and allow Iran a real chokehold on the region."e Israeli government who thought those elections were a good idea."

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