Monday, June 2, 2008

Hizbollah’s Increased Strength: Risks and Opportunities for Israel

Zaki Shalom, at the Institute of National Security Studies (TAU), here
"...From Israel’s own perspective, Hizbollah is first and foremost a body representing a military threat against Israel. However, Hizbollah is also a powerful body with economic and financial assets, and an organization with far-reaching political ambitions. Therefore, in any military confrontation with Israel, if Hizbollah holds the reins of leadership it would conclude that there is nothing stopping Israel from severely damaging its assets. The very awareness of this fact, i.e., that there would not be anyone trying to delimit Israel’s scope of action in terms of damaging Lebanon, may cause it to refrain from a confrontation with Israel.
Beyond this, one may speculate that Hizbollah’s taking control of Lebanon will bring about a new awareness on the part of various international elements of the “Iranian threat.” To date, the concerns of the international community regarding Iran have focused on its intention to develop nuclear capabilities. Hizbollah’s taking control of Lebanon would bring the danger inherent in Iran into sharper relief, not only regarding the nuclear question but also vis-à-vis the stability of other pro-Western regimes in the region, chief among them Saudi Arabia, Egypt, and the Gulf states. Such a development might very well match the interests of the State of Israel."


mo said...

"The fact that Israel was not able to exercise the option to attack Lebanon [IN 2006] represents a significant constraint on Israel’s freedom to maneuver."

Did I wake up in an alternate universe? I hope all iof Israels security advisers are as stupid as this one.

G, M, Z, or B said...

lool mo