Monday, June 9, 2008

" comes Obama to crawl in the dust at the feet of AIPAC and go out of his way to justify a policy that completely negates his own ideas.."

Uri Avnery, here via SicSemperTyrannis with Col. Lang's comment.
"...Nevertheless, Avnery has the common sense to be shocked at the spectacle of American politicians and generals bowing down before a lobby explicitly devoted to the welfare of a foreign state. It makes him uneasy, as well it should. This is an unnatural situation and it can not persist indefinitely. One must ask if Israel is well served in other than a colossal exercise in conceit by this "tail wags dog" folly.
Israeli state survival is a self appointed task assumed by the US. I have no problem with that. Groveling before this lobby? I have a big problem with that.
I see that Arnaud de Borchgrave has similarly held forth...."
".......Both McCain and Obama were effusive in their praise for Israel in their AIPAC speeches, and both said they would make a Palestinian settlement a foreign policy priority, namely the two-state solution Bush said he would bring about before he leaves office. Most experts say the time is long passed when such a deal was still possible. The "wall" of separation that has annexed 17 percent of the West Bank where 145 settlements exist and 240,000 Jewish settlers live, all add up to no room for a "viable and contiguous" Palestinian state, as promised by the United States....
Nor is Israel, irrespective of the government in power, about to allow Palestinian refugees the right of return, or a Palestinian capital in East Jerusalem. Another Palestinian election probably would allow Hamas, dedicated to the destruction of Israel, to spread its influence to the West Bank and make Israel more obdurate to conceding anything beyond perhaps easing restrictions on West Bank Palestinians..."

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