Sunday, June 8, 2008

Assef Shawkat Hubbub Debunked?

Saturday, June 7th, 2008
Josh Landis writes: I just received this assessment of the Shawkat kerfuffle from a well place Israeli friend.
"...Hi Joshua,
What I was told, about two weeks ago, by an high-rank Israeli intelligence source, is that Assad is in full control of the situation in Damascus, and that there is no seeming threat on him. Not only this, but also that he decides what to tell to who on which subject.
Assef Shawkat "doesn’t know anything" about what's going on, he said, but didn't mention any coup attempt. Also, Farouq A-Shara'a is now pushed aside and Walid Muallem is in control over the foreign policy. In the street, he believes, Assad enjoys support because he has proven that he will not "sell" his country interests.
I also want to remind you that Assef Shawkat was seen on Syrian TV a few months ago – April 10th - in a ceremony held by the superior military academy at the end of officers course. Also, Khaddam said a few days earlier, exactly what "Stratfor" mentioned.
Please don't quote me by name on this in case you decide to use it… "

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