Friday, May 9, 2008

Fatfat: Siniora to 'resign' tonight ..."if this solves the problem"

According to "Arab Diplomatic Source" in Beirut.... (ANB-TV) .... and Ahmad Fatfat says if his "resignation solves the impasse, it's possible..."


Anonymous said...

Try and understand the phrase before jumping to conclusion my dear friend.
oh wait. you'd rather live in the stoneage than live in an actual country. sorry i forgot.
my bad.

فتفت لل"الجزيرة": ما قيل عن لساني حول استقالة الحكومة خطأ كنت اقارن واقول ان الأستقالة افضل من التراجع عن القرارات

Anonymous said...

please keep posting updates.

Anonymous said...

just wait now when rice renews here "support" for saniora govt and then they will not even contemplate resigning even if the whole world is tumbling around em

G, M, Z, or B said...

my "dear friend":
the 'stoneage' sure looks more more attractive than an era where Lebanon is ruled by Monk & Nuns killers, crooks, murderers and coke addicts!
regardless my dearest of friends, keep us always in direct touch with fatfat's unadulterated versions ..
may all your days be filled with lipton bags my dear dear dear old friend!

Salem said...

Lame duck prime minister has a press conference tonight, prepare the soft tissues.
Cry baby is planning an award winning drama performance.

On a more serious note, resignation seems too far fetched. Northern factions of Hariri militias clearly have orders not to lose any ground.