Monday, May 5, 2008

IRAN: Hakim's son on Tehran, Baghdad, Washington tangle

LAT: Does SIIC think that these accusations against Iran are merited?

HAKIM: Look, as I said before, the government of Iraq is responsible for maintaining security. The government is authorized to give its opinion or assessment about these allegations. In fact, you should ask the official spokesman of the Iraqi government. Yes, some officials have said about Iran's involvement, but the prime minister's office has not confirmed them. So only what prime minister or the chief of army in Iraq says are valid.Other officials may express their own personal views.

LAT: Does SIIC worry about the close ties between Iran and the Mahdi Army led by Moqtada Sadr?

HAKIM: Look, if you mean Moqtada Sadr, it is one thing. The Mahdi Army is different. The Mahdi Army is a military faction, but Moqtada Sadr has a political faction and without a doubt the Islamic Republic of Iran has good relations with Moqtada Sadr and his political faction. And we are not worried about that relationship of the political faction of Mr. Sadr with Iran. The government of Iraq should comment on that if there is a worry about that or not. So far the government of Maliki has not said so.

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