Tuesday, April 22, 2008

La France renoue le dialogue avec la Syrie

Bernard Kouchner a rencontré son homologue syrien mardi à Koweït pour parler du Liban. C'est une première depuis la décision française en décembre dernier de suspendre les contacts officiels avec Damas, .... Le Figaro, here

Bernard Kouchner et son homologue syrien Walid al-Muallem. (Marwan Naamani / AFP)
Mottaki, Kouchner & Muallem ...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Geagea is getting money from other sources than Hariri. He wants to be the real chief of M14. Aoun has also instructed his people to hit hard anyone who dares to approach them. Things are getting tight within Xians. On the Sunni front, Zawahiri's statement about Lebanon scared the shit out of the Sunnis. However, he did call for young sunnis to enrol in the Resistance under the aegis of the Hezb. Go figure. He announced attacks against the UNIFIL, Israel, and the Yanks in Lebanon! So much for Saudi mobilization against the Hezb and Syria.