Tuesday, January 15, 2008

US Embassy 'decoy motorcade' targetted by bomb in Beirut's suburb

... from Beirut, on to New York's UN-Security Council! The Arab initiative should not be seen as more than the "rite of passage" to this poisoned challis. Things should look fittingly "desperate" between now and the 27th of January (Mussa's report) as to warrant the transfer of Lebanon's ordeal to Ban Ki Moon's care.


Anonymous said...

A conveniently timed excuse for the US to become more openly involved in Lebanon? Perhaps a tad too obvious but then again.....

Anonymous said...

Not for posting gpc but before anyone comes on here claiming a link between wrong spelling and political knowledge, the terms should be 'rite of passage' and 'poisoned chalice'.

Yes I know I should get a life...:)

Anonymous said...

Oh and one other thing...isnt it funny how those professional enough to monitor the movements of ministers and generals and prime ministers and time their hits so well, should hit a US embassy car with no one but a couple of local employees in it?

G, M, Z, or B said...

thanks mo ...