"'America is something that can be easily moved. Moved to the right direction.They won’t get in our way'" Benjamin Netanyahu
Saturday, June 30, 2007
Alastair Crooke: "Our second biggest mistake in the Middle East"
Paris' take: "Michel Edde interim President of Lebanon for 2 years"
Prior to the US airlift to the Lebanese Army, Beirut (silently) asked for Syrian Army munitions
Gen. Baptiste warns Americans not to "conflate Al Qaeda & Iraqi insurgents"
Friday, June 29, 2007
CIA Terror Bombings, Bob Gates, and The Rise of Hezbollah
Hariri puts final touches on arrangements for "safe houses" for Lebanon's ruling clique
Ghazi Aridi lacks courage on Syria & Hezballah, says Daily Star's Young
New "Think Tank" on the block: Center For New American Security
NEW "Interesting Times" blog on the NYorker website
STATE Official: "We never suspected this is what they meant by 'Birth Pangs' of the New Middle East"
Thursday, June 28, 2007
Democrats looking to make it a long & hot summer for Bush and GOP
A GOP Plan to rid America of Cheney
Read the WaPo here.
Monday, June 25, 2007
Jihad Al Khazen on the Ajamis and Ghadris of the world
Strategic Reset: IRAQ
Sunday, June 24, 2007
CNN has trouble finding Afghhanistan and apparently, Syria, on a map!
Friday, June 22, 2007
CIA Director Hayden allows release of " hundreds of newly declassified pages relating to agency secrets from the 1950s, '60s and '70s"
Thursday, June 21, 2007
Fath el Islam: fighters have seen action in Iraq, and some, of Saudi origin, thought they were fighting Israel
"Principals meeting" on Friday could decide to shut down GITMO
WINEP: Adding Hizballah to the European Union's Terrorist List
GOP Congressman Introduces Legislation To Restrict Pelosi Trips To Syria?!
BUSH at 26% in a Newsweek Poll, while Congress is at 14% according to a Gallup Poll
Elliott Abrams to a group of Palestinians in 2006': The Hamas government must be pushed out at any cost
Interview with Gen. Petraeus: September? what September?
"Mahmoud Abbas is a fiction"
WaPo: Iraqi govt' of Nuri Al Maliki teetering on irrelevance
Wednesday, June 20, 2007
Norman Podhoretz: "Bombing Iran to Smithereens" is the only sensible option
Bush Eyes Blair for Mideast Peace Role
The Failed States Index 2007

Cordesman: "The problem is that the US is trying to fight the wrong war"
Via Steve Clemons (who shares with us an email he got from Anthony Cordesman). read the Report here.
WaPo: "Hamas cannot be abolished by decree, and isolation will only make it more radical"
A good editorial that seems to have "escaped" the Torquemadas of the WaPo, read it here, and a good comment from Pat Lang here. (excerpt)"the most dangerous features of the joint Israeli/AIPAC/US/WINEP policy toward Palestine has been the "dangerous illusion" that the Palestinians (and, indeed all the Middle Eastern peoples) are a bit like malicious children who can be coaxed, cajoled or manipulated into doing whatever the "grownups" want them to do. This editorial warns against thinking that this is true." PL
The political prince: Bandar
Fatah's last stand: collapse or conspiracy?
![]() |
Tuesday, June 19, 2007
Cease Fire at Nahr el Bared looks imminent
WINEP's Dennis Ross: "what went wrong in Gaza"
Syria's pound would be pegged to the to the IMF special drawing rights (SDR), rather than against the dollar
Russia denies that it started delivery of advanced fighter jets to Syria
Monday, June 18, 2007
Lebanon's ruling "clique" will not compromise & will oversee the de-facto division of the State
Arming Sunni militias undercuts Iraqi government, critics say
Sunday, June 17, 2007
"Conflict in Gaza is between Hamas & US trained-equipped Dahlan's PSS"
6:43PM second barrage of Katyushas on Metulla
Al Qaeda Katyushas from South Lebanon on Kiryat Shmona
Saturday, June 16, 2007
Top Commander of U.S. Ground Forces: "'Time Is Running Out' in Iraq"
Fath-Hamas "feud" spills into Lebanon's camps
Seymour Hersh: "The General’s Report"
On Harb, Nassif & Register: Al Hurra's "nuit des long couteaux"
"...Overall, al-Hurra came across as a third-rate Lebanese TV station rather than America's flagship public diplomacy enterprise... (failing) to win any significant audience or generate any meaningful political debate... conservatives suddenly decided to go after Register, it was rather hard to find even a single person not on al-Hurra's payroll with a good word to say about it... After a scathing Government Accountability Office report criticised the station's management and performance, Harb left under a cloud of criticism. Register, an old CNN hand, was brought in to try and salvage the sinking station..." From AbuAardvark here.
Wolfowitz writes a "character reference letter" on Libby's behalf: With friends like Wolfie, Scooter needs no enemies
Afghan Official Disputes Evidence That Iran Is Arming The Taliban
"Despite claims by the United States that there is "irrefutable evidence" that Iran is smuggling weapons to the Taliban in Afghanistan, the Defense Minister of Afghanistan today disputed those claims". from the Blotter, here
HAMAS Wins! Thanks to Us
Friday, June 15, 2007
On Fath's "perpetual sham", from a UN Military observer in the Middle East
A new Iran "timeline" emerges
"... But on a June 6th visit to Washington for the US-Israel Strategic Dialogue, the Israeli team leader, Transportation Minister Shaul Mofaz, said he and Secretary of State Rice agreed to review sanctions' effectiveness at the end of the year. "Sanctions must be strong enough to bring about change in the Iranians by the end of 2007," Mofaz was cited by JTA..." Read more from Laura Rosen at "Tapped" here.
NEW Think Tank in town with an "Iraq Plan" (Center for a New American Security (CNAS)
Lebanon's Patriarch Sfeir to "intermediary": M14's intransigence has undermined all attempts to reach an "accord"
Thursday, June 14, 2007
Lebanon's Central Bank gearing up for a Two government state
"Benchmarks": De-Baathification:"ill-conceived, alienated the Sunnis, fomented sectarianism and established a recruitment pool for insurgents"
Lantos calls Shroeder & Chirac a "political prostitute" and a coward
Longtime Al Jazeera broadcaster knocks U.S. credibility in Mideast
Wednesday, June 13, 2007
Fatah forces loyal to PA President Abbas on the verge of collapse, flee to Egypt
Lebanese MP Walid Eido assassinated: Sunnis community shows grave strains & schism!
US General: "US Surge" needs an "Iraqi Surge" to guarantee success
Iraqis Are Failing to Meet U.S. Benchmarks
Senior UN Official: American pressure has "pummelled into submission" the UN's role as an impartial Middle East negotiator
Tuesday, June 12, 2007
Brzezinski: US & Israel should put demand for Iranian disarmament in context of "nuclear free zone"
Siniora just about ready to "request" an International force all along Lebanon's borders
Qatari Government Taking Over AlJazeera?
Saudi King "shelves" the Abrams-Bandar ["Sunni-Strategy"]
From the SWOOP via War&Piece, here.
Rice Talks With WSJ's Editorial Board on Iran, Russia, Libby ...
UN's Roed Larsen mulls same old tired line in an attempt to undermine Lebanese accord
Prosthetics workshop in Damascus
Monday, June 11, 2007
French "Special Envoy" Cousseran and Chirac's "Aventures Libanaises & Nippones"

U.S. and Pakistani intelligencers: "Musharaf is on his way out"
A Clown in Israel
MP Ahmad Al Tibi telling the clown Ghadri "you are a back stabber... you should be ashamed of yourself" |
Lang in the CSM: Iran won't be a threat to Europe for a long time, so there's no need for antimissile defense on Russia's doorstep
Daily Kos: As a Soldier, Fouad Ajami Sickens Me
Sunday, June 10, 2007
The Sopranos & this viewer's loyalty
Tripoli FUTURE MP Allouch belittles the New Yorker and Sy Hersh and calls for the creation of the "Tripoli-Gazette-Tribune-Herald and Straights"
Politicizing the "International Tribunal": The Salvador Option in Beirut
Fouad Ajami begs Bush to save Libby and compares him to a "fallen soldier"
Long term "military outpost" envisioned in Iraq
Israeli critic, Norman Finklestein rejected at De Paul University. Deshowitz lurks in the background
Saturday, June 9, 2007
Letter commending Libby gets Pace "fired" ("not renewed")
Saudi Abou Talha' is Fath el Islam's field commander and main financial supporter, according to Al Sharq al Awssat
Friday, June 8, 2007
Rapid escalation between Turkish and Kurdish leaders, amid reports of Turkish shelling across the border into northern Iraq.
Novosti: The Hariri tribunal: Moscow sits out the UN vote but stays in the game
Al Kassar, "flamboyant prince of Marbella" arrested in Madrid for supplying Iraqi insurgency
Reports of Bandar's "cut" are stunning because no one - not Tony Blair, not Bandar, not BAE are really denying them
Thursday, June 7, 2007
Avram Burg: "Defining Israel as a Jewish state is the key to its end"
Off the Record: U.S. Responsibility for Enforced Disappearances in the “War on Terror”
The Future of Syria: Challenges and Prospects (Kattouf & Rubin at WINEP)
The UN is a fraud. It’s little more than a rubber stamp for US-Israeli aggression
Wednesday, June 6, 2007
Harriet Libby to Scooter: "Make that call"
Bush signs "Partial Resumption of Travel to Lebanon to Promote Peace and Security"
Exclusive: Iraqi Lawmakers Pass Resolution That May Force End to Occupation
Lebanon's ISF, Rifi & Al Hassan asked "Arab and International Intelligence services" to stop harassing Lebanese Jihadists
Foreign Affairs Council Report blasts Rice's leadership at the State Department
Geagea's men and the "Frontier law" (or lawlessness)
Lebanon U.N. peacekeepers' vacationing spot targeted by bomb
Tuesday, June 5, 2007
At the doorstep of Saad Hariri's mansion, "beggar" Mufti praises Israel as a "merciful state"
Bahiya Hariri: "I paid off Salafis and thugs to protect the back of the LAF"
Has Iraq Become The Largest Humanitarian Crisis on Planet?
Lebanon and "more pangs"
De Borchgrave: "Guns of August"
Monday, June 4, 2007
Al Qaeda Video Shows ID Cards, Night-Time Attack

Al Qaeda/Salafis & "allies" make good on their threats: low casualties bombings continue in Beirut
Gary Sick on the US-Iran Arena
Hariri on Al Arabiya: "yes I made payments to Jund al Sham, but these were miscellaneous disbursements"
Cheney above the Law!
Fatfat met Fath el Islam leader one week before events
Sunday, June 3, 2007
Cheney "renews" interest in Afghanistan with telescope on Tehran
Nahr el Bared: video from a temerarious Brazilian journalist.
Fareed Zakaria: "Beyond Bush"
Saturday, June 2, 2007
Lebanon: "... a matter of "unintended consequences" by the NSC/OVP..."
The northern bother (Israel's that is): Syria
Fath el Islam operatives "conveniently killed" in Tripoli
Friday, June 1, 2007
ABC News Learns of Plans to Keep Troops in Iraq Beyond 2009
Rice tries to minimize sense of division within the Administration while Al Baradei lumps Cheney with the "New Crazies"
Rice’s assurance on strategy came as sr. officials at STATE expressed fury that Cheney staffers have said that the VP believes diplomacy with Iran is pointless, and is looking for ways to persuade Bush to bomb Iran. Read the full NYTimes piece here, and for Steve Clemons' piece, the one that first pointed to "Cheney's insubordination", click here (or scroll down the FLC to Thursday May 24th)