Monday, April 16, 2007

Zinni to Hustert: "We're Strategically Adrift..."

"... through his (Gen. Zinni's) consulting with the CIA and the
military. ‘I did consulting work for the agency, right up to the beginning
of the war. I never saw anything. I’d say to analysts, “Where’s the
threat?”’ Their response, he recalls, was, ‘Silence.’

" ...You can make an argument for a surge if you were going to withdraw, to cover the withdrawal, for example, or to contain, to reposition forces or to re-engage in a different way or a stronger way. And why we got caught up in the tactical debate, in my mind, is an indication that we don’t understand what we want to do. What should our Middle East policy be? What should our policy be in terms of Iraq and, and the war against the extremists out there or the conflict against extremists? We seem to be strategically adrift, in my view."

Read the full transcript here.

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