Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Lebanese Judicial Document: "Amine Gemayel informs authorities that Geagea asked him to leave or he'll be "eliminated"

Former President Amine Gemayel, and stalwart member of the March 14 movement (Cedar Revolutionaries) informed Lebanese Authorities back in 1988 that his recent ally, Samir Geagea threatened him, that unless he left the country, he will face "physical elimination." These were the days that saw the most "Geagea activity", culminating in the assassination of another Sunni Prime Minster, Rashid Karameh. It is noteworthy that the assassination of Gemayel's son Pierre, is clouded with "serious speculations" and a GREAT DEAL of non-transparency.


Anonymous said...

It's your type that will drive this country to the brink of another war. So now Hakim killed Pierre Gemayel? Have you listened to a single word the man has said since he unjustly spent 11 years in solitary arrest?

Shame on you

G, M, Z, or B said...

You have to ask Amine Gemayel: He is still alive I reckon'and malgres .

Anonymous said...

A man who has grabbed the Presidency by walking all over his brother’s dead body will probably not mind retaking the Presidency on his son’s dead body. Frankly, I am not sure who’s more of a killer, the assassin (if Geagea) or Gemayel, the brother and the father!!!

Anonymous said...

Sorry, I don't feel like posting in English but this is how I feel about Geagea:"Si l'inimaginable [a new civil war] devait arriver, la honte sera de constater qu'on avait gardé les mêmes. Je sais bien que la Syrie avait promu tous ses hommes de main au rang de notables politiques et qu'ils sont naturellement restés. Mais le plus grave pour moi c'est que les chrétiens n'ont pas refusé la logique et ont plébiscité pour leur faire face, pour se faire face, les anciens ennemis d'alors, l'un revenu d'exil et l'autre sorti de prison, Aoun et Geagea, ce dernier sous le même drapeau que celui né du sang de la piscine de Safra Marine! Dans la vie réelle, la mienne, la vôtre, avant d'embaucher quelqu'un, on regarde son cv et on vérifie ses références. Il est où leur cv? Et leurs références?" posted on http://vrai14mars.blogspot.com on April 13, 2007. Shame on those who tolerate men of the dark past and entertain the thought that they may be able to lead them to the light.

G, M, Z, or B said...

anon in french: