Friday, February 26, 2010

You gotta love this: "the Israelis wanted to be caught so that they could seem more "bad-assed""

Col. Lang weighs in from the 'know' them very well!... SST/ here
"Several networks here and abroad have called for my opinion on this matter. I have declined to be interviewed, saving this for you. The best was a foreign network in which th e"booker" wanted to know if I would subscribe to the rumor being bruted about (or aboot for South Parkers) that the Israelis wanted to be caught so that they could seem more "bad-assed" (my vernacular). I laughed and told her that this rumor was clever on the part of the Mossad. In fact, they and the Israeli general staff intelligence are just not very good services. AIPAC does its best to disguise that but in truth most of what the Israelis have their friends gave them (and as DIA Director of HUMINT and DIO for the NE, South Asia & Terrorism, he should know!).
Dubai? They screwed up. Too many people, too clumsy, too arrogant in their assumption that the "ragheads" would never catch them. The truth is that the Israelis think of all gentiles that way"

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