Friday, February 26, 2010

Rigi: "Iranian authorities detained me on my way to a meeting with a "high-ranking American person" in Kyrgyzstan ..."

Al Jazeera/ here
"An alleged member of a Sunni Muslim group fighting the Iranian government has said in a televised confession that his group received help from the United States.
Abdolmalek Rigi, the leader of Jundallah, said on state-run TV on Friday that Iranian authorities had detained him on his way to a meeting with a "high-ranking American person" in Kyrgyzstan.
Rigi was reportedly seizedafter Iranian warplanes forced a flight from Dubai to Kyrygzstan to land at an Iranian airport.
"They [Americans] said they would co-operate with us and will give me military equipment," Rigi said in Farsi in the prerecorded television statement. "They also promised to give us a base along the border with Afghanistan near Iran."
He said that US officials met him in Pakistan around March 2009 and had also sought a meeting "after the last major operation we took part in"...."

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