Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Turkish 'raison d'etat' ....

"The Turkish army says it has killed up to 100 Kurdish rebels in a week of air and artillery strikes on suspected PKK bases in northern Iraq...
The PKK has confirmed three deaths, while local reports say a family of seven were killed by the bombing....Most of the 132 targets reportedly hit were described by the army as "shelters" but they also included nine anti-aircraft sites and one arms dump.
Kurdish sources often give very different figures and accounts from the Turkish military and it is often impossible to verify such figures independently. Officials in northern Iraq say a family of seven was killed in its car on Sunday. Barham Ahmed Hama Rasheed, mayor of the town of Rania, said those killed included three children and a baby aged three months.
Kardo Mohammed, a member of the Iraqi Kurdish parliament, said the shelling constituted a breach of international conventions and agreements between the two countries.
'Northern Iraq'
"The Turkish shelling targeted civilians basically, and the proof is the killing of these seven civilians, including children," he was quoted as saying by Reuters news agency.
"We do not believe that the planes cannot differentiate between civilian and military, or a child and a fighter carrying a rifle," the Iraqi Kurdish MP added.
The Turkish military insisted that all targets were repeatedly assessed and only attacked "after it was established with certainty that they were not areas inhabited by civilians"...."

1 comment:

  1. Kardo Mohammed, a member of the Iraqi Kurdish parliament, said the shelling constituted a breach of international conventions and agreements between the two countries.

    Quick a UN resolution "Right to Protect"
