Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Saudis 'getting bored' watching Arab revolts, but still enjoy Qaddafi's 'funny speeches'...

".... "Despite the ongoing hot events around us, my interest in watching the news is dropping fast,” said one Saudi citizen, who did not want his name to be published.... "I am beginning to get bored watching the continuous telecasts of political unrest and armed conflicts in some Arab countries,” said Essam Al-Haidari, a 35-year-old Saudi educationist.
He said his interest dwindled after watching coverage of the unrest in Tunisia and Egypt...
Al-Haidari, however, admitted that events in Bahrain might have generated more interest than the unrest in Libya, Syria and Yemen...
Musleh Al- Maraashli, a 38-year-old Saudi teacher, said he watched the incidents in Egypt very closely until they ended with the toppling of President Hosni Mubarak. "After that, I followed the revolution in Libya to listen to the funny speeches of Muammar Qaddafi. One day I stayed awake until 3 a.m. to listen to his speech which was recorded,” he said..."

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